Bringing Your Land Rover Back to Life

Car accidents happen. Even if you are a cautious driver, there is still a chance you will get into a collision with another driver, usually because of their carelessness (running a red light or stop sign, not using signals properly, etc.). If your Land Rover gets severely damaged in an accident, and have insurance, your provider will recommend one or more body shops in Houston, TX. However, they may not offer services you need, or provide shoddy services. Here are some tips to finding a car body shop in Houston, TX, that will bring your Land Rover back to life.
Researching Providers
You can avoid several mistakes by taking time to review nearby body shops for cars. Check their history of repair work. Call or email the owner or manager of each company and ask how long they have been in business in that location, do they have a strong track record for repairing Land Rovers, and are there any testimonials to support this record? Additionally, talk to attendants to find out how they will repair your vehicle (What tools will they use? Do they need to order any parts?)
Comparing Costs
Checking the prices for repairs at each Houston car body shop you are looking at is important, even if your insurance is the one paying. You can typically get a free estimate for each shop online. You should also find out how much time they will need to get the repairs done, and what type of equipment they use. Some shops will have advanced equipment that will reduce wait time.
Studying Location
Ideally, you want a body car repair shop that is close to where you live. This way, you can get to the shop quickly and easily whether you have an alternative ride or have to walk or take a bus. You can make multiple visits while your Land Rover is being repaired to find out how much progress has been made. Reputable auto body shops in Texas will offer excellent customer service and provide services, including picking the car up from your home and returning the car once repairs are finished. Make sure the body shop you pick is OEM certified.
Hourly Rates
A number of auto body shops will charge hourly for repairs. This is determined by company overheads. Large shops that employ several people and are located in an area where rent is high will charge more. Shops that are located in or near your neighborhood tend to be smaller, have a smaller staff (who will likely be familiar with everyone), and will offer a more affordable rate, and may give you added discounts for repairs. This is why finding a local shop is preferable.
If you want to know more about how to find the right auto body shop for your damaged Land Rover, contact Bemer Motor Cars online.