Is Your BMW Facing Water Damage Issues?

Whether it’s a sedan or SUV, the car you purchased from a BMW dealer in Houston, TX, is a fine piece of machinery. Its precise German engineering makes it one of the best vehicles you can have today. It’s designed to ensure you’ll have an enjoyable and safe driving experience.
But, no matter how durable the car is, it can be exposed to unpredictable weather conditions, such as heavy rains that cause pooling on the road. Just because you can drive through it doesn’t mean that you should. The situation can have a lasting impact, particularly water damage in the interior. To detect it, here are some signs you should look out for.
Musty Odor
A musty odor is one of the telltale signs of water damage. To check for this, close the doors and windows. Make sure the vehicle is free from strong-scented fresheners and fragrances. Then, sniff around for any unusual “wet blanket” smells. Switch the air conditioning system on as well; there may be strange aromas coming from the inside. These indicate the presence of mildew and bacterial growth, which point to excessive moisture.
Fortunately, removing musty smells is easy. Just use a vacuum to drain the remaining liquid from carpets and seats, followed by a hairdryer to finish drying the upholstery. If the strange odors persist, check the vehicle for hidden leaks. Inspect all areas, including the mats and compartments. You can also ask for help from a professional who can detect concealed water damage and then provide the best BMW repair to mitigate it.
Wet Carpet and Upholstery
The carpet can show signs of damage. Sometimes, floodwater can enter your vehicle through the undercarriage. See if it’s wet under the mats. Check the upholstery as well by taking a cloth and pressing it down on a seat.
Prolonged dampness can result in other complications, so don’t let the moisture sit on the padding. It might be tempting to try to air dry everything out. But, this requires professional attention. Simply waiting for nature to take its course can allow mildew growth.
Issues Under the Hood
Floodwater can damage the components under your hood, so you need to inspect your engine. Use a dipstick to see if the transmission fluid is the original color. If it appears milky, then it’s likely that the pans contain too much water. This can cause mechanical problems, such as hydrolock, where the piston rods break. Contact a professional who can detect faulty parts and repair them.
After you check under the hood, test drive your new or pre-owned BMW to see how it feels. Listen closely for unusual sounds because they’re telltale signs that something is wrong with the components. Note where the noises are coming from, and take it to a professional automotive technician for proper diagnosis.
Moisture in the Electronic Components
Although most BMW models are water-resistant, there’s no guarantee they won’t short out. Inspect the fuses to make sure they’re intact. When a piece is busted, locate the specific part it’s connected to by referring to the user manual.
You should also check to ensure that liquids haven’t penetrated your car’s computer box. Other vital parts you should examine for signs of moisture include wires and batteries.
Since your vehicle is an essential item that makes your daily life more comfortable, you should keep it in good condition. These are just some signs that show water damage. When in doubt, consult the experts. Call Bemer Motor Cars and book a professional inspection service at their BMW repair shop in Houston, TX.