Things to Know About Auto Body Shops

Vehicle collisions are a normal part of owning a car. Using a trusted high-performance, luxury car, and BMW body shop in Houston to handle the work can take a lot of the sting out of collision repairs. Here’s what you should look for in a good auto body shop:
Check for Certifications
To ensure that your BMW is cared for in the best possible way, only use shops that are part of the BMW Certified Collision Repair Center Program. These body shops are staffed with BMW trained technicians and offer uncompromising quality, top-notch service, and exceptional peace of mind. They use state-of-the-art equipment, techniques, and original BMW parts to care for your BMW and restore it in every way possible to the ultimate driving machine it was designed and built to be.
I-CAR, Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair, is another important certification to look for in an auto body shop. I-CAR certified shops have the knowledge and skills required to achieve a complete, high-quality repair. Shops that have earned the highest level of I-CAR training are designated as Gold Class.
Ask About Warranties
Reputable body shops will always warranty their work. Most repair shops offer a lifetime warranty on their repairs, meaning that if, for any reason, their repairs do not hold up, you can return the vehicle to the shop for further repairs at no cost to you for as long as you own the vehicle. Paint and parts warranties are often separate and different from repair warranties, so ask about them all.
Don’t Be Swayed by Insurance Companies
Many auto insurers have contracts with body shops; it’s like a preferred provider system for car care. However, by law, you are not obligated in any way to use the shop your insurance company prefers; it’s your preference that matters. It’s also important to be aware that when an auto body shop has a relationship with an insurer, that relationship will take precedence over you. Pressure from the insurance company to keep costs down will affect how the body shop approaches your vehicle’s repairs and may result in sub-standard repairs and cut corners. While there’s nothing wrong with using the shop recommended by your insurance company, you might get better service from another provider.
Talk to People
Reputation matters, especially in the world of auto body repairs. Ask your friends, neighbors, and coworkers if they’ve had good experiences at auto body shops. Talk to your mechanic; they often have great insights into quality auto body repairs. Reading online reviews can also be helpful, though this should never be the only research you do. Getting several estimates for the repairs gives you the opportunity to check out different auto body shops for yourself and develop a gut feel for the places. Ask around, do your research, and trust your intuition.
Trust Bemer Motor Cars
High-performance vehicles require high-performance care. That’s why the car experts at Bemer Motor Cars are the ones to trust when your car needs repairs. We have the tools and the training to handle all luxury makes and models; we’re a full-service Mercedes, BMW, Jaguar, BMW, Land Rover body shop on Houston. All our work comes with a two-year/unlimited miles warranty on labor and parts and a lifetime warranty on paint and body work. We have state-of-the-art equipment and highly trained technicians on-site to provide the most up-to-date service possible.
We’ve been caring for performance cars since 1985. Call or come by today to see our shop and talk to our staff. You can trust Bemer Motor Cars to get the job done right.